Mastering Self Directed & Self Care Leadership Skills

There are several strategies to becoming a successful leader. My goal is to share at least seven of my experiences. The most successful leaders realize how important self-care is to their survival. My secret to being an effective leader is balancing all aspects of my life. During my 20+ years of holding leadership positions, on many days I wished that there was a cookie cutter way of leading. However, early on, I realized that self- directed leadership is what gave me strength in my personal and professional life. In the beginning of my career, I relied on my book knowledge, but soon found out that along with gurus and textbooks, practical life experiences played a key role in helping me to achieve the status of an outstanding leader. In addition, some of the robust self directed and self care strategies in my book,Creating the Million Dollar Leader (Chapter 2) aided tremendously in my development. Here are seven strategies for consideration:
Know that self-dircted leadership requires constant practice and years of experience, but it is attainable.2. Self Directed leaders are wise, yet humble. 3. Self Directed leaders show that they are prepared to move forward. 4.Self Directed leaders are ready and able to effectively deal with challenges. 5. Self Directed leaders are adequately traiined. 6. Self Directed leaders are game changers; thus, they are forever searching. 7. Self Directed leaders are impressive without trying.
These leaders take time to balance self, family, friends and their professional life. Sometimes the order of these priorities need to be revisited. The leader has to practice self care strategies to reduce stress and renew their energy. Some things that I recommend in my Self-Care for the Empowered Woman program is as follows:
Start the day with prayer and/or meditation
Move your body (exercise)
Say "No" More often
Practice gratitude
Read a book
Have a cup of tea
Retreat or get away to relax and enjoy yourself
Continue with the successful strategies of the self directed leader and balance those skills with the recommended strategies for self care and you should have continued success. Want to share in monthly discussions on self care, forgiveness, networking, leadership and more?
Join my free 1st Saturday of the month free Zoom meeting.