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Lane Oliver Consulting &
Destination Coaching Retreats
Connecting for Change Weekend Retreat
(Held in Maryland, Florida, Virginia Beach and Martha's Vineyard)
Friday, June 25, 2021- 11am to Sunday, June 27, 2021 - 11am
This intensive weekend retreat is designed for participants who are in professional or leadership positions; individuals who are seeking deeper self-awareness, dealing with mid-career crisis, or considering transitioning out of the workplace. Basically, for anyone trying to find a new path or purpose in life.

Friday, June 25, 2021-11a-8:30p
-Check in
-Introductions & Welcome Activity
-Where Do You Go From Here
-light Dinner
Sunday, June 27, 2021 7am - 11am
-Breaking Through Fears & Celebrating
Saturday, June 26, 2021- 9:30pm
- Orientation
- Exercise
-PWCC Opening
-Topic: Pathway to Self-Discovery
-Breaks (2)
-Topic: Finding Your Purpose
-Labyrinth Walk, Meet with Your Growth Partner
_Topic: Attracting the Life You Want
-Topic: Creating You
The program consists of presentations, individual, duo and group activities. Includes, music, art and movement.

Coach Brenda is an author, speaker, entrepreneur and certified professional coach
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